Strengthen your brand without creeping out your customers
The Internet of Things (IoT) presents a great opportunity for marketing executives. As noted in Forbes, “Data analytics and IoT – two emerging keystones of the digital economy – are fueling something of a feeding frenzy of grand proportions in the tech space…Much of the action was driven by the push to adopt IoT and data analytics…
Read MoreThe Paperless Office…In Our Lifetime?
It seems like we’ve heard about the paperless office for many years now. Will it happen in our lifetime? Well, your guess is as good as mine. Our friends at AIIM just published a very interesting report about how companies are incorporating paper-free projects into their business. What I find interesting about the report, Winning the…
Read MoreCustomer experience and mobile e-commerce sites
I’m not exactly what you call a shopaholic but I do enjoy shopping online since it saves me a lot of time. Get in, get out, done. Viola! So the other day I was reading e-Spirit’s Content Unlocked blog and came across some statistics created by research firm Invesp that jumped out at me. According…
Read MoreManaging So Many Channels Gives Me a Headache
Over the weekend I was shopping at the grocery store and something caught my eye that made me laugh. A mother was pushing her cart and adding groceries with her three teenage kids in tow. All three were looking down at their phones and texting furiously. Not a care in the world nor any realization…
Read MoreTechnology Keeps Evolving, But At Its Core PR Is Still All About The Story
According to research by Google, the top 10 search terms in 2011 were: American pop singer Rebecca Black from the hit TV show Glee Google+ social network Ryan Dunn (American reality television personality and daredevil) Casey Anthony (TV trial for murder) Battlefield 3 (video game) iPhone 5 Adele (pop star) Japan earthquake/nuclear reactor issues The…
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