Elevate Capital announces inclusion summit
Congratulations to our client Elevate Capital, which manages one of the nation’s first venture capital funds to support inclusion and diversity, for their announcement today that it has secured a very strong return on the exit from its investment in locally-based RFPIO following a swift two-year investment period. RFPIO, the leading provider of cloud-based RFP (Request for Proposal) software, recently announced a…
Read MoreCryptojacking is on the rise
Are you surprised that five new security threats popped up every second in Q1 of 2018? According to research from McAfee, that’s the truth. What’s scary is that cryptojacking – the secret use of your computing device to mine cryptocurrency – is on the rise. In other cybersecurity news of the week, citizens are very concerned…
Read MoreU.S. Government needs to raise its cybersecurity game
There’s not a lot of uplifting news in the world of cybersecurity, but that also means that there are lots of opportunities for cybersecurity vendors to make their mark in the world. In a recap of the cyber news highlights from the past week, the U.S. government’s cybersecurity situation isn’t too pretty, SMBs need to…
Read MoreThere’s money to be made in cybersecurity
Cybersecurity continues to be top of mind in the high tech sector. It seems like every few weeks there is a new threat with interesting sounding names like Petya, SpyEye and Shylock. But the growth in cyberthreats has also led to increased value of cybersecurity companies. For instance, Carbon Black recently raised $152 million with its IPO…
Read MoreWill U.S. elections be secure?
Based on all we’ve heard about the cybersecurity issues surrounding the 2016 U.S. election, are you concerned about the upcoming midterm elections? Congress recently approved over $380 million for states to secure their election systems so perhaps there is hope. Yet at the same time, the Trump administration just eliminated the cybersecurity coordinator position on the National…
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