Recipe for Results
For PR pros working in the high tech sector, getting coverage for companies that are not named Microsoft, Google and Amazon has become harder than ever. With a smaller number of publications out there and fewer reporters to cover even more news, getting eyeballs to read about your client can be quite a challenge. In the absence of hard news, such as quarterly earnings, acquisitions or product launches, how can you help your clients secure the type of exposure they want?
For one of the companies we work with, e-Spirit, we’ve focused on a number of key themes that resonate in their respective markets. The overarching idea centers on improving their customer’s digital experience and is supported by such themes as personalization (STORES Magazine—Downright Personal) and creating brand ambassadors (CMSWire—Turn Touch Points into Trust Points.)
We’ve also focused on discussing and providing insights when it comes to industry trends such as content marketing (Document Magazine—Content Marketing that Serves Your Customer Experience) and mobile SEO (The Marketing Scope—7 Tips to Successful Mobile SEO.)
The point here is to make sure that your PR agency understands your business, your markets and your customers.

Author: Rob Goodman
Rob Goodman is a communications professional with more than 27 years of experience in public relations, marketing and content creation.